If you’re a follower of my blog this post will surprise you. I’m far from political but I am human. A human that bleeds red, bruises black (like all of us) and that continuously works on being kind, empathetic, compassionate, respectful and just decent to all. Yes, all… no matter their income level, education level…

I Is Her

I was never that kid, that teen, that young adult and now that middle aged adult that had the idea or the dream of a wedding. Taking it even less extreme, I never felt I needed a spouse or that I was/am waiting for “that person” to come along. I know I may be losing…

I Can’t Always Be High

I’ve alwaye been told that me just being around makes people feel good; that I exude a good energy that can’t be described. You would think I take it as a compliment, right? And I do, for the most part. It’s a lie if someone told you it wasn’t dope to be able to do…

That Person

A person that has such a richness in their soul that your soul feeds off it like a damn buffet that even though you are full – you keep going back A person that at times can feel like a massage to your soul, your heart and even deeper than a massage with a happy…


I’m going to start this with saying – my daughter, up until the age of about 7-8 could only think in black and white because she hadn’t developed the cognitive skills required to see both sides of an issue or situation. Fast forward to 11 and I’m introducing her to gray and that it’s okay….

Hey you, teenage self – come here and read this!

If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is be intentional. Intentional in all aspects of your life; from your daily interactions, to your job, to your relationships and family – absolutely EVERY aspect of your life. What do I mean by being intentional? In simple term, is it…

Half An Empath

What is an empath?   I best describe it as the entering another’s person’s feeling and emotions intuitively at times.  My therapist said it’s a horrible trait but one that you can’t help and takes a lot of work to manage (I hate work).   Think of a sponge – you absorb other’s emotion and…


I recently read someone’s take on vulnerability and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. The irony that he wrote about vulnerability while being raw and true in the writing was vulnerable on it’s own. He took me through the reality of opening up and being rewarded by being looked at like you…


I’m tired, tired to the point where my knees get weak and I feel as if they will just fold under me without warning.  My public façade is good, Oscar-worthy even but I’m not “fake”, I’m surviving.  I know what you’re thinking, am I reading about her being tired.  Yes –  you are.  But this…


When will I stop thinking about it?  When will I be able to see something and it not bring flashbacks?  just when? How will I get over it?  How will I be able to move on?  just how? Likely never.  Sorry to tell you but depending on the depth of the pain, it may be…